Haipazaza Phezuta, Sweetgrass Bath Bomb
These bath bombs are made with love, prayer, and good thoughts to anyone who uses them. We chose to use red earth pigment similar to the color of Catlinite pipestone used for paint, called Wase (Wah-SAY). It is said that when the White Buffalo Calf Woman came to our people, she brought with her a braid of sweetgrass to give to us. It is said that the scent of the sweetgrass will chase off bad feelings, thoughts, and overall negativity and bring in all good things, so we use this in many of our ceremonies. Sometimes, we would make sweetgrass tea and put in the bath water to help cleanse our bodies and spirits, so making a bath bomb in modern times makes sense. We would like to share this good medicine.
Just drop the bath bomb in the bathtub full of water and watch them fizz and release their scent along with the skin loving organic oils that will leave you or your little ones skin feeling soft and silky. This recipe will not leave an oily residue on your tub like some bath bombs do, and this recipe is coconut oil free.
Hand made Sweetgrass bath bombs are made with Aluminum FreeBaking Soda, Cornstarch, Citric Acid, Organic Canola Oil, Organic Olive Oil, Witch Hazel, and Organic Grapeseed Oil infused with Sweetgrass.