SweetGrass, Indian Corn - Sweetgrass Trading Co SweetGrass, Indian Corn - Sweetgrass Trading Co

SweetGrass, Indian Corn

Indian Corn

Grown, hand-harvested and dried in the traditional way on the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Reservation, you can buy SweetGrass authentic Indian Corn each season.

Indian Corn Soup

 1 qt Indian Corn
 2 qts Water
 2 lbs Stewing beef (cubed)
 12 oz LB Jamison Beef Base (or preferred bouillon or base)


Soak corn overnight or for at least 4 hours


Combine corn, water, and beef into cooking pot and boil for at least 2.5 hours. (Beef base can be added after boiling begins. Season to taste.) Stir occasionally and add more water as evaporation occurs or to desired consistency.


When meat is done to your liking, corn will be done also.


Taste before adding any other seasonings. Serve hot.

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 1 qt Indian Corn
 2 qts Water
 2 lbs Stewing beef (cubed)
 12 oz LB Jamison Beef Base (or preferred bouillon or base)



Soak corn overnight or for at least 4 hours


Combine corn, water, and beef into cooking pot and boil for at least 2.5 hours. (Beef base can be added after boiling begins. Season to taste.) Stir occasionally and add more water as evaporation occurs or to desired consistency.


When meat is done to your liking, corn will be done also.


Taste before adding any other seasonings. Serve hot.

Indian Corn Soup
{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Recipe","author":"admin","datePublished":"2019-06-21","name":"Indian Corn Soup","image":"https:\/\/sweetgrasstradingco.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/06\/IMG_5571-700x525.jpg","description":"By SweetGrass Trading Company","recipeIngredient":["1 qt Indian Corn","2 qts Water","2 lbs Stewing beef (cubed)","12 oz LB Jamison Beef Base (or preferred bouillon or base)"],"recipeCategory":"Soups and Stews","recipeYield":"","cookTime":"PT0H0M","prepTime":"PT0H0M","totalTime":"PT0H0M","nutrition":{"@type":"NutritionInformation","calories":0,"carbohydrateContent":"","cholesterolContent":"","fatContent":"","fiberContent":"","proteinContent":"","saturatedFatContent":"","servingSize":"","sodiumContent":"","sugarContent":"","transFatContent":""},"recipeInstructions":["Soak corn overnight or for at least 4 hours","Combine corn, water, and beef into cooking pot and boil for at least 2.5 hours. (Beef base can be added after boiling begins. Season to taste.) Stir occasionally and add more water as evaporation occurs or to desired consistency.","When meat is done to your liking, corn will be done also.","Taste before adding any other seasonings. Serve hot."],"recipeCuisine":"","keywords":[]}

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