Applications for the Native Scholarship program are due on Friday, June 30. SweetGrass will award a $1,250 scholarship to an eligible applicant who meets our the following criteria:
• Be an undergraduate student who has not already earned a bachelor’s degree.
• Be an enrolled Tribal member of a qualified Indian Tribe. (See qualified Indian Tribes/Reservations at www.hochunktradinggroup.com.)
• Be accepted to an accredited four-year school, a two-year college or
approved trade school.
• Is currently maintaining a 3.0 or higher GPA.
• Must be majoring in an area of Business, Management, Accounting,
Finance, Tribal Management, Law, Computer Science or Engineering,
Telecommunications, Economics, Sales/Marketing, Behavior Science, or related degree program.
Applicants must submit a high school or college transcript, two letters of reference, a one-page explanation of the student’s life circumstances that include how a scholarship could help them meet their goals, and a written statement on tribal tradition and culture.
For more information and detailed criteria, visit https://sweetgrasstrad.wpengine.com/native-scholarship-program/.