Most people know honey is great as a natural sweetener in your tea or drizzled on top of your frybread. But did you know you can use honey to get shinier hair and healthier skin? Shop our Ioway Bee Farm natural honey on our website and try some of these beauty hacks below.
- Use honey as a face mask
Raw honey boasts various skin benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant and contains antimicrobial properties. It can also help exfoliate skin by sloughing off dead skin cells, giving skin a glowy, bright appearance. Please note that if you have allergies to pollen or other bee-related products, this may not be for you.
Make your own honey mask at home by mixing three parts honey and one part freshly ground or pure cinnamon. Leave the mixture on your skin for 8-10 minute and rinse off with warm water.
- Make a honey hair mask
Honey has been used throughout history to nourish, condition and repair hair. Honey can help moisturize a dry, itchy scalp, reduce breakage, make hair shinier and softer, and eliminate frizz.
Mix ½ cup raw honey with ¼ cup olive oil. Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds, stir well and let cool. Apply to clean, damp hair and massage onto scalp. Put on a shower cap and let the mask rest for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo as usual.
- Draw a honey bath
Due to the skin-boosting benefits mentioned above, raw honey can be added to a bubble bath to help soothe irritated, dry skin. Add a cup of honey to hot water before adding it to the bath so it dissolves quicker.
You can also mix it with milk for extra hydration. Soak in the tub for 20-30 minutes and you’ll be left with silky, refreshed skin. Take things a step further and set up your own at home spa for ultimate relaxation.