SweetGrass Trading Company recently joined the National Diversity Veteran Small Business (NDVSB) marketplace, powered by ePS, a leading provider of eMarketplace solutions, which is helping connect both federal and private organizations with diverse businesses.
As a National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), SweetGrass can now better provide Native American-made products to corporations and businesses committed to partnering with minority-owned businesses.
The NDVSB program leverages its all-inclusive, “one size does not fit all,” eMarketplace that aligns veteran, diversity, and small business products and service Suppliers with the private and public sector buying organizations.
The mission of the NDVSB is to “build stronger diverse small businesses through technology that automates and streamlines business processes, providing increased revenue opportunities and scalability to compete within large private enterprise and public sector accounts.”
The goal of the NDVSB is to make all its small business partners preferred suppliers for national corporations and the federal government.
The NMSDC certification will allow SweetGrass to connect with the NDVSB eMarketplace and more than 1,500 corporate members who may be looking for products from minority-owned businesses. Team members at SweetGrass are excited to see what new opportunities these connections will bring.