Five sweet facts about honey you need to know

Photo of a honey hive frame dripping honey into a jar

Discover the sweet world of honey with these five fun facts about nature’s golden treat! From its eternal shelf life to the incredible journey bees take to make it, honey is more than just a delicious addition to your pantry. At SweetGrass Trading Company, you can shop our Ioway Bee Farm honey, honey sticks, and creamed honey to enjoy the unique taste and benefits of pure, high-quality honey. 

Here are five fun facts about honey: 

  1. Honey never spoils
    Archeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are more than 3,000 years old and still edible! Honey’s low moisture content and acidic pH make it an unwelcome area for bacteria and mold to grow, giving it an indefinite shelf life. While honey does have natural preservatives that allow it to last a long time, it can crystallize over time. If stored correctly, it can remain safe to eat for years, but it’s not immune to changes in texture or color.
  1. Bees visit thousands of flowers for a small amount of honey
    To produce just one pound of honey, bees need to visit around 2 million flowers and fly more than 55,000 miles!
  1. Honey is a natural energy booster
    Honey contains natural sugars, mainly fructose and glucose, which are quickly absorbed by the body for a fast energy boost, making it a great choice for athletes or a quick pick-me-up.
  1. Honey is a natural antibacterial and antiseptic
    Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and other compounds that make it antibacterial and antifungal, which is why it has been used historically for wound care and healing.
  1. There are hundreds of honey varieties
    Honey varies widely in flavor, color, and texture based on the flowers the bees pollinate. From clover to manuka to lavender honey, each variety has a unique taste profile and benefits.


What is your favorite way to use honey? Let us know in the comments! 

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