We can’t thank our loyal customers and vendors enough for the successful year we’ve had. In 2022 we were able to attend conferences, give workshops and webinars to share industry knowledge and onboard new customers from across Indian Country. Below we’ve recapped some of the best moments of the year. We wish you and yours a joyful new year…let’s do great things in 2023!
Attended three conferences
This year, we represented SweetGrass in person at three different conferences: the Reservation Economic Summit (RES) in Las Vegas in March; the Healing Together Conference in Brooks, CA, in April; and the Intertribal Ag Council Annual Conference in December. We met new vendors and enjoyed networking with potential customers.
Onboarded five new vendors
We are always looking to expand our line of Native American food, gift and wellness items. This year, we welcomed five new vendors and new items, including: Navajo Mike’s barbeque sauce, Lakota Honey Lodge honey, Val’s Frybread mix, Sakari Botanicals hot sauce, and Saunooke’s Mill chicken and fish fry. We are looking forward to adding new health and beauty products in 2023!
Became a certified minority-owned business
In 2022, we were approved for a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Certification by the Minority Suppliers Development Council. This opened opportunities to be involved in educational programs plus a wide range of networking opportunities with other minority businesses as well as corporate members. The certification provides exposure to 13,000 other minority businesses across the United States to engage in business opportunities and form partnering relationships, strategic alliances or joint ventures for success.
Launched a line of herbal teas
In June, we launched a new line of loose-leaf herbal teas under the brand name Tribal Tea Company. The line features six delicious and healing flavors with natural ingredients and 10 percent of proceeds from tea sales support mental health efforts on the Winnebago Reservation.
Received grant funding for international research
Using funding from the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), we were the first company in Nebraska to conduct research with Rural Export Center Rural America’s Intelligence Service for Exporters (RAISE). The RAISE program provides rural U.S. companies with one-on-one market intelligence from a team who identifies customized industry-specific insights and contacts. This will help us identify business opportunities and matches in international markets for Tribal Tea Company.