The Warrior Blends

Daniel Picard, founder of Épices du Guerrier and a member of the Huron community of Wendake, spent over twenty years traveling the First Nations of Quebec. During his travels, he had the privilege of visiting dozens of First Nation communities, where he formed lifelong friendships and created wonderful memories, the most memorable of which were the meals he shared.

Inspired by the flavors and tastes he experienced, Daniel decided to create a link that would unite the gastronomy of the native land while honoring the First Nation peoples.

After years of research and development, Daniel created the flavors of Les Épices du Guerrier in honor of the pickers who forage the First Nation territories in search of these unique flavors. Épices du Guerrier was born from the fruits of a long friendship and a unique professional relationship between Daniel Picard and his co-founder, Patrice Dion.

In 2021, Aleks Krawczyk began working with Épices du Guerrier to bring this extraordinary line of seasonings to the United States as The Warrior Blends. Passionate about cooking, he quickly integrated these spices into everyday recipes after discovering them in Quebec. The entire line of spices became a staple in his kitchen.

We are thrilled to announce that SweetGrass Trading Company now offers The Warrior Blends as a new vendor, featuring their Wild Mushroom Flavored Salt. We not only love these spices but also feel privileged to share them with you.

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