Explore the sacred healing power of Indigenous herbs

Indigenous herbs like sage, sweetgrass, and cedar have been used for centuries in Native cultures for their healing, spiritual, and ceremonial purposes. These plants hold deep cultural significance, offering medicinal properties and a connection to the land and ancestors. In this post, we’ll explore the traditional uses and benefits of these sacred herbs, highlighting their role in Indigenous practices. 

Sweetgrass, known for its sweet, calming fragrance, is often braided and used in Native ceremonial practices to purify and invite positive energy. Its smoke is said to attract good spirits and is used in smudging rituals to cleanse spaces, people, and objects. Sweetgrass also symbolizes unity and peace, making it a vital part of many Indigenous traditions, and it is even known to act as a digestive aid in tea. As the namesake of SweetGrass Trading Company, it’s only fitting to highlight this sacred herb first, honoring the deep connection between Indigenous culture and the land. Learn more about Sweetgrass braids here.  

Sage is a powerful and sacred herb in Indigenous cultures, widely used for purification, healing, and protection in ceremonies. Its smoke is believed to cleanse spaces and individuals, removing negative energy and promoting spiritual clarity. When added to tea, sage has anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. While sage holds deep cultural significance, there are varying opinions on its use, particularly as it becomes more commercialized. Non-Natives are encouraged to respect this sacred plant by seeking alternatives such as rosemary, cedar or lavender when possible.  

Echinacea, also known as coneflower, has long been used by Indigenous peoples for its medicinal properties, particularly to boost the immune system and fight infections. Traditionally, it was used in teas and other remedies to treat wounds, respiratory issues, and colds.  

Yarrow, a versatile herb used in Indigenous healing practices, is known for its powerful wound-healing properties. Traditionally, it was applied to cuts and injuries to stop bleeding and prevent infection. Yarrow is also used in teas to support digestion and alleviate stomach discomfort. 

Cedar  is often used in spiritual ceremonies for protection and purification. Its fragrant smoke is believed to ward off negative energies and bring strength to those who use it. Cedar also offers respiratory benefits, with its leaves and bark traditionally used in teas or steam to support lung health and ease symptoms of congestion.