SweetGrass Trading Company recently donated a gift basket to a National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Walks Team. Each year thousands of people across the U.S. gather to help raise awareness and support for those living with a mental health condition.
According to the NAMIWalks website, “On the day of the event, NAMIWalks participants, mental health advocates, and NAMI partners will step up our strength and energy even further. There are thousands of ways to reach a goal — and every one is yours. Together with you, NAMIWalks remains one of the top mental health walk series in the country.” SweetGrass supported the team Marilyn’s Angels, led by Marilyn Charging of Vermillion, SD.
NAMI offers education, support and advocacy to those who want to learn more about how to stop the stigma of mental illness and educate others through volunteer programs.
Charging is a trained group facilitator and teaches classes to parents who may be struggling with a child who lives with mental illness.
Mental health is a big topic across Indian Country, and mental illness is considered a public health crisis in Native communities. Research shows an estimated 70 percent of Native Americans will suffer from a mental disorder during their lives. This is largely due to historical trauma leading to a higher rate of alcoholism and homelessness among Native people.
All of NAMI’s services are free of charge and volunteers are trained to implement programs across all 50 states.
“SweetGrass’s donation will help us provide additional funding for classes and wellness activities,” Charging said. “The Home Chef Starter Kit donation is a great way to demontrate how we can move from illness to wellness through self care.