Honey sticks are a great snack on-the-go and make a healthier alternative to processed candies. However, they can be used in a few other ways as well and are more than just a sweet treat to fulfill sugar cravings.
SweetGrass is proud to offer honey sticks from the Ioway Bee Farm in seven delicious flavors – plain, blueberry, raspberry, cinnamon, peach, strawberry, and blackberry. Located in Northeast Kansas, Southeast Nebraska, and Northwest Missouri, Ioway Bee Farm honeybees have access to a diverse plant life that includes sweet clover, wildflowers, and a variety of tree species. This diversity gives the honey a unique, sweet flavor. The Ioway Bee Farm is owned by the Ioway Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska.
Below we’ve listed a few useful ways that honey sticks can be used in your day-to-day life. When do you like to enjoy honey sticks? Leave a comment and let us know!
Get a boost of energy before your workout
Recent studies have shown that honey makes a superb pre-workout snack. Honey is an easy carbohydrate for your body to digest and may help improve performance and endurance during exercise. Since it is a natural sugar, honey provides cells with energy push through intense workouts. You may want to drizzle honey on a bagel or toast or enjoy a stick by itself as a substitute for energy supplements.
Add to tea on-the-go
You probably don’t want to pack an entire honey bottle in your luggage when traveling. Imagine the mess that you could make, not to mention you’d likely be over the 3.4 oz liquid limit set by the TSA. That is where honey sticks come in! They are only 1.14 oz each and are easy to pack in your liquids bag. Now you have an effortless way to enjoy your sweetened tea without getting stopped by TSA or having a sticky mess in your suitcase!
Add to your bath
You may not have seen this one coming but hear us out. Honey does wonders for your skin. Raw honey is a powerful antioxidant and contains antimicrobial properties. It can also help exfoliate skin by sloughing off dead skin cells, giving skin a glowy, bright appearance. Add a stick or two of plain honey to your bath and reap the benefits! You can read more about the skincare benefits of honey here. (Please note that if you have allergies to pollen or other bee-related products, this may not be for you.)