The 2023 Ho-Chunk Trading Group Scholarship application is now open! We are proud to offer one $1,250 scholarship for an eligible Native college student who is an enrolled member of an Indian Tribe. The scholarship is awarded each year to a successful applicant to help them finance their education in a 4-year college, 2-year community or technical college.
To be eligible, students must:
- Be undergraduate students who have not already earned a bachelor’s degree
- Be an enrolled Tribal member of a qualified Indian Tribe. (See qualified Indian Tribes/Reservations at www.hochunktradinggroup.com.)
- Be accepted to an accredited four-year school, a two-year college or approved trade school.
- Be currently maintaining a 3.0 or higher GPA
The application deadline is July 30, 2023. You can find more criteria and the application at https://sweetgrasstradingco.com/native-scholarship-program/.
SweetGrass Trading Company is a member of Ho-Chunk Trading Group. Our mission is to help provide economic opportunity for the Winnebago Tribe. But we are also dedicated to helping other Native people get a hand up to build a better future.