SweetGrass is proud to offer sage from Magic Star sage, a Cherokee-owned business from Sacramento, California. Owner Narey Keomorakoth founded the business in 1998.
Keomorakoth started the business because she wanted to share the plant medicine and its blessings. She and her family began harvesting sage on their five acres of land in Northern California. From cutting the fresh plants to handcrafting and tying the sage bundles, Keomorakoth and her family are involved in every step of the process.
Keomorakoth said sage is sacred to Native people because of their ceremonial uses as an incense, purifying herb, and medicine.
Sage is a medicine and traditionally, medicines are to be gifted. Many Native people do not condone the selling of sage, while others do not have an opinion on the matter. According to WeRNative.org, “Traditionally, healers were gifted or harvested these medicines so they did not have to buy them. In this society now, this is not practiced as much and for some people it’s not an option, especially if you live in a city.”
It is important to make ethically harvested sage available to consumers because it is safe for the environment and doesn’t involve deforestation or disrespect of indigenous observances, Keomorakoth said.
“We are honored, grateful and humbled to be working with a company like SweetGrass that provides special products to the world!” Keomorakoth said.
Follow the company on Instagram at @magicstarsage.
You can purchase this on this website! Just type “sage” in the search bar, or visit this webpage: https://sweetgrasstradingco.com/product/magic-star-sage-white-lavender-sage-3/
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